Tracy 's Inspirational Warrior's Podcast "if you only knew my story"

Navigating the Symphony of life: "The Warriors Tale"... Tracy Taylor Scott: The Unbreakable Warrior's Journey Through Cancer and Adversity...Inspiring Stories

August 09, 2023 β€’ Tracy β€’ Season 1 β€’ Episode 3

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She was just 18 when she found her soulmate, and by 29, she was battling a rare form of cancer. Tracy Taylor Scott, however, is no ordinary woman. Her story of resilience, unwavering determination, and the spirit to embrace motherhood amidst the chaos of her life will leave you both captivated and inspired. As Tracy journeyed through the labyrinth of medical research, managing a hair and beauty salon, and handling the skepticism thrown her way, her warrior spirit remained unbreakable. Tune in to listen to Tracy's journey, and learn the essence of what it means to be a warrior.

The second part of our episode takes you deeper into Tracy's inspiring journey as a warrior. Despite the turmoil caused by chronic illness, Tracy's passion for her business and her undying spirit remained her sanctuary. Her remarkable story isn't just a tale of survival, but an account of how she turned adversities into opportunities. Her story serves as a beacon of hope and resilience, and she invites listeners who resonate with her journey to reach out to her for support. Don't miss this inspiring episode and the many lessons it holds for navigating life's challenges with resilience and determination.

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Thank you for tuning in to "Tracy's Inspirational Warriors: If You Only Knew My Story." We hope this podcast has touched your heart, uplifted your spirit, and reminded you of the indomitable strength within us all.

Remember, life's journey is a unique symphony of struggles and triumphs, and each one of us is an inspirational warrior in our own right. No matter what challenges life throws our way, we have the power to rise above, persevere, and thrive.

If you have a story to share or would like to connect with our community of warriors, please visit our website at Together, we can create a supportive space where love, compassion, and understanding flourish.

Stay connected with us on social media to receive updates, share your own inspirational stories, and join our random acts of kindness movement. Let's spread love and support to those who need it most.

We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to Michael Ball and Alfie Boe for the beautiful music & performances that have woven their way into the fabric of our podcast. Their performances have been a guiding light, bringing comfort and joy to countless hearts.

Lastly, we appreciate your support and invite you to subscribe, rate, and review our podcast. Your feedback allows us to continue sharing stories of courage, resilience, and the power of love.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome, dear listeners, to a truly captivating and inspiring journey on our premiere episode of navigating the symphony of life the warrior's tale. In this enchanting installment, we delve deep into the life-firmening story of a remarkable individual who faced adversity head on and emerged as an unbreakable warrior. This is my story. Tracy Taylor Scott, can you imagine a life filled with exhilarating adventures and shakable love and yielding determination? I was storyteller, that is me embarked on such a journey, beginning in my youthful days when I found the love of my life at the age of 18. We had an unbelievable, enjoyable adventures and at the age of 27 I married my love of my life.

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A marriage of blissful adventures was on the horizon, but life had different plans for me and in early adult hold I wrote a shocking diagnosis. First, I found out I was going through a very, very early menopause, at the age of 29 and was told if you want to become pregnant, you must try. Now I did try to become pregnant and unfortunately, instead of conceiving a baby, I conceived a very, very rare cancer which only manifests during pregnancy. The moment you conceive, it all goes wrong this rollercoaster ride of surgeries and intense chemotherapy chemotherapy where I had to go to the hospital in Sheffield in the UK, every seven days for three days at a time for intravenous chemotherapy, non-stop. This took me on an unexpected learning curve, a testament that would only bring me strength, strength I never thought I would ever have. I never thought I was going to be in this position. However, it happened and I lived. To tell the tale, it wasn't without its consequences, which obviously in life these things happen, and throughout my years my spirit refused to be crushed, even as I battled through the same fertility, but defying odds and embracing motherhood.

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At the age of 33, after having chemotherapy. At the age of 29, I got and I was conceived a baby, but unfortunately I had the most medieval birth. The challenges mounted as well as that medieval birth took some unbelievable, awful con avenues and left me with the strongest hearts that could dremble. I never thought this would be and this helped me become the warrior. I continued to be this warrior, with a mummary and wavering march, and I tried to be a beacon of resilience. Navigating my own serious health issues became a backdrop to raising a child became my sanctuary.

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Of course, the unbelievable consequences of having chemotherapy and a cancer so early in my life began with my chronic illnesses that began to unfold. All the time I am trying to keep a passion for my love of my business, my hair and beauty salon, which I had built and achieved since of the age of 21. I very early in the days when I was a young lady to take this on. But I did and I built and I built and I built, keeping that salon even to this day. So, of course, every twist and every turn in my path was met with the same tenacity that had already defined my life. I navigated my own serious chronic health issues, some very life threatening, and this became the backdrop to raising my child with all his own needs. Every twist and turn was an avenue and I thought I would be going down. But it wasn't just my own challenges that I faced. It was the skepticism of those who didn't understand me, the labyrinth of medical research I had to do, not just for myself but for my son too, and the heartache of trying to create the best life for me, my child and my husband and family. Amidst all this, a passion has been brightly. A salon, a place of beauty and transformation, became my sanctuary. My awards I built and I managed to achieve. Some prestigious awards and accolades were earned Through my hard work, my passion and my unrelentless love of what I love to do, all while battling my own series of health issues, which seemed relentless my chronic pain, my spine problems, my fibromyalgia and my unbelievable problems within my bladder and my balls and my kidneys.

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My determination to survive pulled me through against all the odds. In this symphony of life, the music of Michael Ball and Alfie Ball provided a soothing balm, echoing the sentiments to my soul. Their camaraderie, their harmonies and their performances became the soundtrack to my journey. And amidst these battles emerged my dream to create something unique. My problems in my health I underwent were unbelievable. I firstly obviously have the fibromyalgia, the spine problems, all the chronic pain, fatigue and everything else that goes with that. I live daily and that has been my battle.

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In the early days I was not able to do very much, but I somehow found the strength to get through. I encourage everybody that you can do this. I found I don't know how, but my love of what I love to do has got me through. I unfortunately had to go for more major surgeries, life threatening when my bladder had to be removed. I now have a urosteromy. I live with a stoma that comes with its own challenges, which is another big story. And again the following year, even though it took me a long time to get over the bladder removal, I got pneumonia. I nearly died. I had C diff which lasted over three months. I won't even begin to tell you about that.

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I then, the following year, began one morning with the unbelievable pain I know as yet within my abdomen. It got worse and worse. I thought it was going to go away. My husband kept asking me to call an ambulance Well, him, to call an ambulance. And from the tip of the horse I kept saying as a woman we do often, of course, men do the same that I will be alright. But I never was. I didn't realise I was becoming coherent incoherent, should I say and my pain was beyond anything I experienced. I did tell my husband when I could speak that I was wanting to go to the hospital now. It was too much. It lasted hours and hours. It took me a very long time to get down the stairs. When I got down to the stairs, I vomited everything up. I won't go into detail about that because that's too graphic to speak on this podcast.

Speaker 1:

I then completely collapsed on the hallway floor I was dying. I realised I was dying and I knew I didn't want to die that way. This is not the way I wanted to go. I'm still a young woman Okay, yes, I'm 52, 33. However, I was not ready to go. There's so much to live for my family and all of a sudden I had these thoughts in my head. I do not want to die on this hallway floor for my son to know I died. Luckily he wasn't in that day. I didn't want him to know that I died.

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I don't know why the strength came. I seem to get superhuman power, strength from somewhere and I said to my husband I need to get to the hospital right now. Somehow we got myself in the car, obviously with his help, and we raced to the hospital. They raced me into emergency of the hospital. They didn't know what was going on with me, the pain and fatigue, and then, of course, my body doesn't tolerate opioids, so they couldn't give me that and I was really in a very, very bad way. They then realised once they served my abdomen and the cuts that I had been rusted with, they risked me for CT scans and that's when they found the triple closed loop bowel obstructions. I had adhesions wrapped around my bowel from my erustrisis surgery cutting off all the blood spout to my bowel and obviously that's why I was dying. And obviously the bowels were completely cut off and that explains what came up when I vomited. They obviously had all sorts of drips and monitors on me and they risked me for emergency surgery.

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I was terrified. I never thought I was going to survive and as I laid on the bed, as they were putting me to sleep and I knew I was going to go for the same surgery that I'd only had the year before and the recovery was the most shocking thing, I was trying to build my business again after being so poorly and get going again. Obviously that's my, my love and passion. And there I am dying in the hospital ready for surgery. But I never thought I'd survive and I just said to the surgeon I remember my words please let me live, please let me live. And I remember his words back to me as I went into my deep sleep I am going to keep you alive. He said you will be awake. And that's when I went to sleep. I never knew what was going to happen. I was in surgery for hours and when I woke up, I was so relieved, as you can imagine, to be awake. It was unbelievable. Obviously, I had drips and monitors and everything else on me everywhere on my neck, on my abdomen, you name it, my arms but there I was alive.

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Okay, I had a big journey to go to recover again. That came with everything else pick lines to keep me alive and feed me and everything else my surgery. My bowels had been cut again, so I began the journey of recovery again. When I was recovering, I went for all the unbelievable things that could happen. I then went on to think do I give up on life? Do I just live at home and do nothing and just be a homewife, or do I live? Do I want and become who I want to be? I don't know what it was, whether it was because I'd gone through all these life threatening and life changing and consequences of life. I decided I was going to live, and live I am. That's what got me into doing my fundraising, my love of my business and winning a month prestigious awards. I built my salon again and continued the fundraising and doing all the random acts of kindness, discreetly and quietly in the background. Nobody knew until the word got out when I did something very special for a young man in one of the fan clubs and that got told to Michael and that's how I got known. And so, again, that continued and yes, a big story. I'm here to tell the tale.

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That was my really serious health battles and, as you can imagine, I missed all those battles to emerge myself and to create something new, unique the birth of Traces to Mauer, warrior, army Brutes Together, kindred Spirits United by Music, resilience and Shared Experience. Yes, I built my fundraising support group because of the bullying and the trolling and the relentless people always coming at me, just because I shared my experiences in the clubs, so I could help others, so they could see things that they may be not able to do because of the runilnesses or or living far and far away. I just wanted to share my experiences but unfortunately that came with jealousies and things that I never, ever expected to occur. People were doing it in the clubs, openly and also sending me messages. Yes, not good at all. So there you go. So that really got me into thinking. I'm going to build my clubs.

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I'm going to put together everything I love to do the fundraising, the random acts of kindness, the giving, the support. The support and the giving and the caring has always been built into me. It's part of who I am. In my salons I've won so many awards for excellence in customer care. It's just something I love to do. When you're a hair and beauty salon owner, this is what you do. This is my living, this is my my, built into me. I've always been a caring. I love to embrace the lovely kindness that is given to me and I love to give it back to. So that is who I am and, of course, this brought together the wonderful people and we share the experiences.

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Now, in the face of trolling and adversity, this warrior myself chose to rise above all that, channeling my energies into acts of kindness and charity, the charities and the funders, and speak for themselves. You see how I do things on social media. This is what I love to do. We are smashing all the targets and I would really aim to do even more. If you want to join me in my fundraising, find me on social media. It's very easy, just search out Trace Taylor Scott. Come, follow me, come share, come give if you can. Every penny, every pound certainly helps. I love to do this for the charities, especially the smaller ones. So do I always get the help? At the moment it's the Music man project. Oh, my goodness me. They touched my heart when I saw them with my cold ball and just manford at the wonderful, wonderful national lottery, live at the musicals in Manchester. Oh, my goodness me. That was what inspired me to do what I do for them right now. They touched my hearts and I've now met them and they touched my hearts again and I got those wonderful hugs too, which was fabulous.

Speaker 1:

So, throughout this podcast, my story, I hope to seek it and I inspire and I also hope to uplift you and to remind you all that the human spirit, when tested, can shine even brighter.

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Yes, I hopefully have ignited the light in you to hopefully, for your journey, can join me through my highs and my lows, my triumphs and my tribulations, as I've tried to remain steadfast to my commitments to live in life on my own terms. So join me, dear listeners, as we. I step into the shoes of my warrior, who I am. I have tried to conquer not only my challenges but also the hearts of everyone I meet. I try to give kindness in everywhere and everywhere I meet and everywhere I go, and through my warrior's tale, I hope to uncover the essence of what truly it means to be unbreakable. So I hope this podcast is something that maybe resonates with you, maybe I inspire you or maybe I can help you in somewhere. Do reach out to me, find me on social media, send me a message, and if I can help or support you in any way, that would be wonderful. Bye, bye, for now.

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