Tracy 's Inspirational Warrior's Podcast "if you only knew my story"

Transforming Negativity into Joy: Powerful tools for positive transformation: A Journey of Mindfulness and Resilience

August 15, 2023 β€’ Tracy β€’ Season 1 β€’ Episode 9

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Ever had a day where negativity seemed to cloud your every thought? It's a battlefield we're all familiar with, and I, Tracy Taylor Scott, have had my fair share of battles. Join me on this journey as we address these negative thoughts head-on and learn how to transform them into moments of joy. Mindfulness and meditation are not just buzz words; they're powerful tools we can use to regain control of our thoughts and shape our lives.

Think of life as an ocean with its storms and calm waters. The love for life is like a lighthouse, guiding us through the roughest seas and fueling our pursuit of dreams. Let's embrace life's challenges with courage and come out stronger on the other side. And remember - you are not alone in this journey. Surrounding ourselves with positive people can make all the difference in the world. Tune in for an uplifting conversation on how to create a more joyful existence. Let's sail through life's storms together, creating a wake of positivity and resilience.

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Thank you for tuning in to "Tracy's Inspirational Warriors: If You Only Knew My Story." We hope this podcast has touched your heart, uplifted your spirit, and reminded you of the indomitable strength within us all.

Remember, life's journey is a unique symphony of struggles and triumphs, and each one of us is an inspirational warrior in our own right. No matter what challenges life throws our way, we have the power to rise above, persevere, and thrive.

If you have a story to share or would like to connect with our community of warriors, please visit our website at Together, we can create a supportive space where love, compassion, and understanding flourish.

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We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to Michael Ball and Alfie Boe for the beautiful music & performances that have woven their way into the fabric of our podcast. Their performances have been a guiding light, bringing comfort and joy to countless hearts.

Lastly, we appreciate your support and invite you to subscribe, rate, and review our podcast. Your feedback allows us to continue sharing stories of courage, resilience, and the power of love.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Trace's inspirational warriors embracing positivity and defeating negativity, a podcast that delves into the challenges we face in our daily lives and offers practical strategies to keep those negative thoughts at bay. Life can be overwhelming, but with the right mindset and actions, you can create a more positive and uplifting existence. It's true that thinking positively all the time can be difficult, especially when dealing with the stresses of jobs, finances, health and relationships, but there's a way to tackle negativity without constantly forcing positivity. Let's explore some powerful approaches. My name is Tracey Taylor Scott, and I'll be taking you on the journey that is embracing positivity and defeating negativity. Hello there, my fellow warriors of life. It's Tracey here with another episode of Tracey's inspirational warriors. Today, I want to share a story that's near and dear to my heart, a story that's all about the love of life and how you can transform it, heal and propel to incredible heights.

Speaker 1:

It seems like each day, we are unundated with more and more things to worry about our jobs, our money, our health, our relationships. It can be totally overwhelming. And if it wasn't bad enough, we are constantly told to think positive and not let the negative thoughts get us down. Of course, that's easier said than done, right? Yeah. What if there was a way to keep those positive thoughts at bay without having to think positively all the time? How to keep negative thoughts at bay? Think positive, haha, is a phrase a lot of people say, but it's really hard to do that under all the stresses and anxiety that comes with every day life. There are just so many things to worry about jobs, money, health, relationships, etc. Even if you don't have depression. Sometimes it feels nearly impossible to keep negative thoughts at bay. Even though I try and be as positive and as happy, negative thoughts do obviously creep in, but it is possible to do that. Nobody deserves to feel tired, frustrated, stressed or depressed all the time.

Speaker 1:

I used to have a lot of negative thoughts creeping in. It was a dark part of my life. That was when I was going through this serious illnesses and chemotherapy and obviously all the serious life threatening issues which I've talked about in other podcasts. Every single day felt quite pointless, especially when you're battling and you're not getting anywhere, and I kept wondering why I'm a bothering. But obviously, with my health, I didn't have much choice. I had to bother to live. But eventually I learned how to deal with them. Now I will show you how to stop the relentless negativity. This is a guide to bringing back a little positivity into your life. Please keep listening to learn how you can uplift yourself and keep all those negative thoughts at bay.

Speaker 1:

Accept that some things happen as part of life. The simplest ways to keep negative thoughts at bay is literally to stop fighting them. A plant that struggles against the wind suffers, but a leaf or seed that floats with the wind is taken on a journey towards new things Easy. Acknowledge that the negative thoughts are simply thoughts. They are not reality. Thoughts only have as much power as you give them. My actual negative thoughts did not matter, only the fact that I believe them. The first step to managing negative thoughts is acceptance. Some things just happen in life. That's absolutely right. It is a natural part of living. We are not in control of every single aspect of our lives. We should just enjoy the ride through time as much as we can. Once you can accept that fact that negative thoughts do not control your life, you can move on to brighter things.

Speaker 1:

Meditate and seek mindfulness. Yes, meditate and seek mindfulness is quite a powerful thing. Mindfulness is about reality. It's about focusing on the moment that is right now. Forget about bag-on memories from the past or endless possibilities in the future. Think about what is now, what is around you. Ground yourself to the ground, sit quietly in your chair and look around. Be in the moment. You might have a thousand different worries and thoughts in your mind right now. That's perfectly normal. Our daily lives are very complex these days Social media, financial, covid issues, family, etc. It's hard to find the time to step back and take a break, but it's taking a break with what you really need. If you can somehow manage that time, then mindfulness and meditation will help you keep negative thoughts at bay. You can read many articles on meditation, mindfulness, to learn more about this, both in books and online. There is so much information out there, but it's really very easy to do. You just have to apply yourself to it and be ready.

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Live a healthy and active lifestyle Now. People who live healthily active lifestyles are generally happier. They are not as affected by negative thoughts. There is both a simple and a scientific explanation for this. The simple explanation is that when you are active, you are focused on what you are doing right now. If you are working out or playing a sport, you will be focused on that moment rather than future worries.

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When I was at my low points, one of the things I did was start working out regularly. Okay, my body won't let me, so things like just sitting in a chair or even laying in the bed. If you can't get up which was quite often with me, but moving your legs, moving your arms as best as you can, even little moments, little moments you don't have to go to the gym and pound yourself to craziness. You obviously can do that if that's what you like to do. But just small things sitting in a chair, listen to music and just groove in with the moment. It was hard to find the motivation at first for me to do that, but eventually things did get better and I just smile. Sometimes my body hurts and I think, oh gosh, you can't move it. Little movements is absolutely good too.

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Now what about the scientific part? Well, mentally and physically, well being are interdependent. When we exercise, our body's produce a chemical called dopamine. You've probably heard of dopamine in many things these days. It's well spoken about. Dopamine is basically what makes us feel happy, a hormone which is released, and it makes us feel happy or satisfied. When your body is producing dopamine, you can keep negative thoughts at bay much easier.

Speaker 1:

Another way to do keep negative thoughts at bay is only hang around people who will uplift you. Yeah, exactly, Easier said than done sometimes, and the people we hang out with can affect our mental state as well. You've all been around a Debbie Downer, haven't we? And of course, we all fall into that category of having some happy friends and some not so happy friends, and you just have to choose who you live. There are some people who are overly critical of others. If you hang around them, they could destroy your confidence and make you feel worse about yourself. On the other hand, staying around positive people who encourage you to do your best has the opposite effect.

Speaker 1:

Positive reinforcement can build up your confidence and dispel doubts. If you're having negative thoughts, friends and family can uplift you out of them. It does not have to be just friends and family. You could also reach out and talk to a therapist about your issues. A good therapist understands anxiety and depression and can give you encouragement. That's all we need.

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Sometimes, a lot of negative thoughts I had were doubts. I kept doubting my abilities and whether I would be successful or not. When you've been as seriously as I have and you've been already successful in the past. To become successful again, you have to get in the right mindset. But after I got, obviously getting encouragement, my doubts disappeared and I decided to try, no matter what, and that's exactly what I did. Remember, you don't have to fight the negativity alone. Your friends, family and loved ones can be right there helping you keep negative thoughts at bay. Just reach out to them.

Speaker 1:

Seek out positive wholeness and communities. There are communities out there Focused on positive outlook on life, whether it's by sharing news of positive and uplifting things or by simple encouragement, sharing mutual interests. Even a picture of a big eyed puppy in the morning could brighten your day. Traces Tomauer Warrior Army Fundraising Support Group gives you all of this and so much more. Get your tower at wwwtracestomauerwarriorarmycom, where all the information is there, and come subscribe, come join all the fun.

Speaker 1:

But just remember to stay clear of sources of stress. Do not open your email first thing, or else you'll start stressing and worrying about work as soon as you wake up. Do not check the news, because it sensationalises various bad things in order to get views. Don't go on social media straight away, since it can be toxic and rewards envy and outrage more than positivity. Pick and choose your social media because, let's be honest, you all know my story. Certain things can bring certain negativities that we really don't need in our lives. Choose carefully.

Speaker 1:

There used to be a lot of negative influences in my life from so called friends and from social media. To keep negative thoughts at bay, I decided myself to cut myself off from them. Yes, block remove anything that brings negativity and dark thoughts. Don't even let them entertain it. It really improved my outlook and gave me some time and space to work on myself and beat that negativity.

Speaker 1:

Acceptance of lives ups and downs. Life is unpredictable. Little twists and turns can occur at any point. We all know when the care of bull come, we have to act, and the acting on them is what is the difference between going up or coming down? Acknowledge that negative thoughts are just thoughts, not the absolute truth. By accepting the challenges are a part of life, you free yourself up from the burden of constantly fighting against them. Mindfulness and meditation again living in the present moment through mindfulness and meditation can significantly reduce the impact of negative thoughts. These practices help you focus on the here and the now, releasing the whole that past regrets or future anxieties may have over you.

Speaker 1:

Surround yourself with uplifting people. The company you keep can profoundly affect your mental state. Seek out positive, supportive individuals who encourage you to be your best self. Don't hesitate to reach out to friends, family or even a therapist for that much needed uplift. Join positive communities, online and offline. Communities focused on positivity can be a wonderful source of inspiration. Be mindful of the information you can shoot and prioritise sources that promote positivity and wellbeing, while providing those that contribute to stress and negatively, by avoiding them at all costs.

Speaker 1:

Cut out all negative influences. Sometimes it is necessary to distance yourself from sources of negativity, whether that's toxic relationships, even family members, social media accounts, negative news. Creating space for positivity to flourish is essential. Remember, it's natural to have doubts and worries, but you have the power to overcome them. By embracing those strategies, you'll find that keeping negative thoughts at bay becomes more manageable. Keep this guide in your heart and you'll move forward and move towards a brighter, more positive future. You're not alone in this journey. Your loved ones, positive communities and your resilience are all there to support you. Let's take this step together towards a life filled with positivity and defeating negativity.

Speaker 1:

My final words for on this are having negative thoughts is very natural. We are not perfect and we have lots of doubts and worries. However, our life is so complicated these days that it's almost impossible to go anywhere without a negative thought trying to overwhelm us. I can tell you that they are unbeatable. You keep negative thoughts at bay. Even if anything feels down right now, you can wipe your way towards the light. You take this guide to heart and everything will be heading in the right direction.

Speaker 1:

And a little note if your life is darker than normal, it's okay to reach out to someone for help, whether that be a friend, a relative, a medical expert. Never be on your own. Always, always reach out. Never be afraid to reach out, because there always is somebody who is there for you. As I wrap up this episode, my fellow warriors and listeners remember this the love of life is a beacon that guides us through the darkest storms and the gentle breeze that propels us to magnificent heights. Don't let life's adversities hold you back. Instead, let them be stepping stones on your path to greatness. Embrace each moment, large or small, with unwavering passion and watch as your life unfolds in wondrous ways. Your dreams are within reach, your spirit is unbreakable and together we'll continue this incredible journey of embracing life, one courageous step at a time. Until the next time, keep that fire burning, keep spreading kindness and always, always love life. Bye, bye, for now.

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