Tracy 's Inspirational Warrior's Podcast "if you only knew my story"

Fandom United: Transforming Fandom Culture to a Safe, Kind and Empowering Space.. uniting against online bullying

October 19, 2023 β€’ Tracy β€’ Season 1 β€’ Episode 12

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Ever been bullied online because of something you're passionate about? I, Tracy Taylor Scott, know from personal experience just how devastating it can be. But what if we could create a safe space where fans can share their passion without fear? That's what we're doing with Fandom United, our anti-cyberbullying campaign. This episode takes you through my journey and the inspiring stories of fans like you, who've faced cyberbullying and emerged stronger. We're building resources, creating a website, and involving celebrities, all with the goal of promoting kindness and mutual support, and making a real difference.

Imagine a world where fans can be fans, without judgment or fear. Have you been cyberbullied over your fandom? We want to hear your story. Your experience could spark the change we need. Fandom United is more than a campaign, it's a platform for empowerment. And YOU are central to it. In the fight against cyberbullying, we are stronger together. Join the conversation, let's turn around the fandom culture, making it kinder, safer, and more empowering for everyone. There's so much more to this episode. Tune in, take a stand, and help us transform fandom culture forever.

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Thank you for tuning in to "Tracy's Inspirational Warriors: If You Only Knew My Story." We hope this podcast has touched your heart, uplifted your spirit, and reminded you of the indomitable strength within us all.

Remember, life's journey is a unique symphony of struggles and triumphs, and each one of us is an inspirational warrior in our own right. No matter what challenges life throws our way, we have the power to rise above, persevere, and thrive.

If you have a story to share or would like to connect with our community of warriors, please visit our website at Together, we can create a supportive space where love, compassion, and understanding flourish.

Stay connected with us on social media to receive updates, share your own inspirational stories, and join our random acts of kindness movement. Let's spread love and support to those who need it most.

We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to Michael Ball and Alfie Boe for the beautiful music & performances that have woven their way into the fabric of our podcast. Their performances have been a guiding light, bringing comfort and joy to countless hearts.

Lastly, we appreciate your support and invite you to subscribe, rate, and review our podcast. Your feedback allows us to continue sharing stories of courage, resilience, and the power of love.

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Speaker 1:

Fandom United, the anti-Cyberbullying campaign. United in the face of darkness A call to end Fan on Fan Cyberbullying. We are here together against Fan on Faber Cyberbullying United, the podcast that brings fans together to combat cyberbullying within fan communities. I'm your host, tracey Taylor Scott, and I'm thrilled to take you on a journey through our anti-Cyberbullying campaign aimed at creating a safer space, empowering and positive fan groups. In this episode, I'm going to explore the origins of our campaign, share inspiring stories and discuss the steps that we'll be taking to make a difference in the lives of fans the Bertha fandom United. To kick things off, I'm going to dive into the beginnings of our campaign.

Speaker 1:

It all started when I realised that fan communities we love were being marred by Fan on Fan Cyberbullying. I could not stand by and watch fans hurt each other. I only know too well first hand the devastating effect this can have on a person, having been bullied and trolled on social media for a very long time myself and having to take serious measures to stop this. It has a devastating effect. People do not realise when they are typing away on their keyboards whether they know the full knowledge of that person or not. They need to do their homework. I always stand up for this being through myself, and I've taken strong measures to make sure it doesn't happen again. This is what born fandom United. I am your first guest and I have decided it's time to put our collective passion and love for celebrities to good use. I have created safe spaces for fans to come together with my own groups, which you can find on the links which I'll share a little bit further down below, so fans can share their experiences and take a stand against Cyberbullying and share their love of the celebrities in safe spaces. Now, inspiring fan stories. The half of my campaign lies in the stories of the fans who have faced Cyberbullying and come out stronger. Today I am the first guest. I'm here to share my journey. I was sabot-bullied by fellow fans and it was very devastating. Phantom United was born because of this reason and it has provided me with the initiative to bring this campaign together and support and offer resources to wherever else will need them To overcome any effects the sabot-bullying has had on that person, for their enjoyment of a celebrity. I'm here to encourage others to do the same.

Speaker 1:

My journey basically began when I decided that I would start becoming a little bit more open on social media. Yes, you wouldn't believe it, would you? I started to share my experiences of following certain celebrities online within the groups, just so I could bring them experiences to other fans that couldn't possibly ever make it through hardships or living in different countries, etc. However, this brought on trolling, bullying, people commenting on my appearance and other things in between. I gave out random acts of kindness, just discreetly and privately. However, it got well known to a certain celebrity and then I was basically born to the fans that way.

Speaker 1:

However, it wasn't without my own adversities. I, as you probably well know me by now, suffer from chronic ill health. I've gone through life-threatening changes to my body and life-threatening emergency surgeries to save, and that brought me to do nice things for other people. Now this, unfortunately, even though of a time, people still bullied and trolled whenever they possibly could. However, something really, really serious happened not so long ago and it took on a very, very adverse effect within me, and it was not the nicest things to experience.

Speaker 1:

Social media can be a very, very, very, very very thing. It can be used for good and it can be used for bad things, like what I'm trying to do with this campaign. However, what they did to me was beyond anything else. Malicious lies spread through social media as a very, very bad effect. If people had undone the homework and realised how transparent I am and how open I am on social media, this would never have happened and I would not have had to take the measures I had to take to stop it. Now I am drawing a line under the sand, and this is where I would love this campaign, fandom United, to take place. Now, with social media, obviously, there's lots more people like myself who are doing campaigns. There are also lots more people who are suffering, who don't know where else to turn, so I'm hoping that by bringing this campaign, fandom United, to light, we'll help it take flight. We can make a big, big difference in the lives of others who do not know where to turn. I am here to encourage others to do the same and follow my lead, and we can make a really big difference in the Fandom United.

Speaker 1:

Fandom United isn't just about sharing stories. It's also about making a real change, and that's where I stand. I have a few core steps that I'm taking to achieve that. First, I'm going to be spreading awareness about cyberbullying's impact within fan groups. I'm developing resources and a website dedicated to educating fans. I'm also going to be promoting kindness within all the fan communities, which is also what I do already, and if you haven't joined my fan groups, now is a time to do so. We have a fund-gracing support fan group which pledges monies to charities every single month with the small subscription that we charge, which offers a lot more than what the subscription is. We also have an unofficial fan group for fans to join and anybody can join in there, and it is a safe and cyber-free cyberbullying, sorry free zone. Fans are tick. We're going to be taking pledges to support and protect each other, and we hopefully, will be involving celebrities in our mission as our fandom United takes flight.

Speaker 1:

I want to make a difference in fans' lives. That's very, very important to me. That's how I've always been done. I've always wanted to make a difference in no matter where I go. My journey has taken me to all different places. I've met so many different fans along the way. Oh my goodness, the kind I've shown to me is overwhelming, and hopefully what I give to the fans is also so good for them and life changing too. I'm ready to see the impact of my campaign in the life of fans, and I hope you are too. Let's hear about your success stories and if I can help you in any way, please contact me and we can make a big, big difference. Fandom United will be empowering everybody to stand up against cyberbullets. Now I'm head of the supportive fan groups and also fundraisers in support fan group and communities, and I've seen a positive shift in all my fan group and fundraising groups. People are making a difference.

Speaker 1:

As I wrap up this episode, remember that fandom united is all about creating kinder, safer and more empowering fan cultures. If you want to join me on my mission, visit my website at tracetomauerwarriorarmycom. Head down to the bottom to fandom united and read all about what we are about. Follow us on social media tracetailerscot and share your own stories using our campaign hashtags fandom united. Together, we can end a fan on fan cyberbullying and make a real difference in the life of fans.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening and stay tuned for more inspiring stories and insights in the episodes to come and hopefully, fandom united will be the thing that makes a massive difference in you. If you've been a fan who's been cyberbullied, don't be afraid to reach out to me. It doesn't matter what celebrity it is, but it will be amazing to hear your stories, because I want to get your story heard. I want you to be heard. I want you to feel empowered that you've overcome the devastating effect cyberbullying can have on one person. Bye, bye for now. Everybody, take care and I'll catch you on another episode and be safe.

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