Tracy 's Inspirational Warrior's Podcast "if you only knew my story"

Inspire to Rise & Shine Foundation here to Empower Lives: Inspire resilience through Inspirational experiences, Kindness and Unity

July 20, 2024 β€’ Season 2 β€’ Episode 1

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Ever felt the crushing weight of life's hardships and wondered how to find joy again? Join me, Tracy, in our very first episode of the Inspire to,Rise and Shine Foundation podcast, where we embark on a heartwarming journey to uplift those facing chronic health challenges and profound grief and life’s  hardships.
We'll explore how our foundation is bringing joy and fostering community through mental health counseling, peer support groups, mindfulness workshops, and resilience-building activities, pamper sessions, experiences , gifting and so much more. 

Imagine being part of magical moments like theatre shows, concert days, and pampering sessions, all designed to spark joy and connection.

But that's just the beginning! Our Acts of Kindness and Community Support Initiative is set to touch lives with personalized gift deliveries, milestone celebrations, and practical support from dedicated volunteers. 
You'll also discover ways to get involved, from attending annual galas to volunteering and sponsorships. 

Tune in to hear inspiring stories, join creative workshops, and empower yourself with life skills programs. Together, we can spread kindness and shine bright!

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Thank you for tuning in to "Tracy's Inspirational Warriors: If You Only Knew My Story." We hope this podcast has touched your heart, uplifted your spirit, and reminded you of the indomitable strength within us all.

Remember, life's journey is a unique symphony of struggles and triumphs, and each one of us is an inspirational warrior in our own right. No matter what challenges life throws our way, we have the power to rise above, persevere, and thrive.

If you have a story to share or would like to connect with our community of warriors, please visit our website at Together, we can create a supportive space where love, compassion, and understanding flourish.

Stay connected with us on social media to receive updates, share your own inspirational stories, and join our random acts of kindness movement. Let's spread love and support to those who need it most.

We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to Michael Ball and Alfie Boe for the beautiful music & performances that have woven their way into the fabric of our podcast. Their performances have been a guiding light, bringing comfort and joy to countless hearts.

Lastly, we appreciate your support and invite you to subscribe, rate, and review our podcast. Your feedback allows us to continue sharing stories of courage, resilience, and the power of love.

Thank you for being a par...

Tracy, Speaker 1:

Hello, beautiful souls, and welcome to the very first episode of the Inspire to Shine, rise and Shine Foundation podcast. Hi there, I'm Tracy, your host, and I'm beyond excited to introduce you to a journey that's all about inspiring joy, reclaiming life and spreading kindness like confetti. Whether you're a fan of musical theatre or a part of the vibrant hair and beauty industry, or somebody who believes in the magic of giving back, this podcast is for you. Today, I'm thrilled to unveil the rise of my new charity foundation, inspired to Rise and Shine Foundation, a dream that's been in the making for so long and is finally about to come to life. Our mission is simple yet profound to uplift and support those facing chronic health challenges and profound grief, life's hardships, etc. We believe in the power of joy, community and mental health support to reunite the spark of life for those who need it most.

Tracy, Speaker 1:

So what exactly does the Inspire to Rise and Shine Foundation do? Now let me tell you. It takes you through some exciting initiatives. First up, we're going to be offering mental health support and counselling. We know that dealing with chronic illness, life's hardships and grief can be incredibly isolating, and that's why we're going to be providing access to licensed therapists specializing in these areas, and it doesn't stop there. We're going to be creating a network of peer support groups, both in person and online, so you will never feel alone. Plus, we'll be offering workshops on mindfulness, coping strategies, pampering skills and building resilience. So this, hopefully, will help you to become inspired to be the person that you would love to be.

Tracy, Speaker 1:

Imagine this a day where you're treated to a spectacular theatre show, the possibility of going completely behind the scenes and on a tour, and with the chance of meeting the cast too. The possibilities are high. And if this sounds amazing to you, right? That's what this joyful outings and experience are all about concert days, shows, cinema visits, special events and performances by beloved musical stars, pop stars, and pampering days for all and gifted from our friends in the hair and beauty industry and people that are within the fandoms too. It's all about creating those magical moments that have been long overdue.

Tracy, Speaker 1:

But wait, there's going to be more. Our Acts of Kindness and Community Support Initiative is all about those little surprises that can make a big difference, from personalised gift deliveries and milestone celebrations to food parcels for those in need. We're going to be spreading kindness wherever we go, and our community volunteers are ready to step in with home visits, companionship and practical support. We're also big on inspiration and empowerment. Expect to hear from motivational speakers who will share their incredible stories and insights. We'll have a creative workshops in arts and crafts to inspire your creativity and provide a therapeutic outlet. Our life skills programs will help you regain your independence, your confidence and hopefully give you the inspiration to help you become who you would love to be.

Tracy, Speaker 1:

Now you might be wondering how can I get involved? Now? That's a great question. We have some fantastic ways for you to join our mission. Keep an eye out for annual galas and night filled performances, auctions and heartfelt speeches, all to raise funds and awareness. Volunteers will be needed for all aspects of that gala and any other fundraising and other challenges and events we put on. In the future. We'll also be collaborating with businesses, especially in the theatre and beauty industries, for sponsorships and donations. I don't forget our online crowdfunding campaigns, where every contribution helps to make a difference. So by making a donation to our foundation, you will be making a difference in somebody's lives for absolute definite.

Tracy, Speaker 1:

Now our volunteers are going to be the heart and soul of Inspire to Rise and Shine Foundation. We will be providing comprehensive training to ensure that they can offer effective and compassionate support, and we love recognizing their dedication through appreciation, through events and certificates to show the absolute joy and appreciation we have for every single volunteer that will come to volunteer for inspire to rise and shine foundation. Communityreach is another cornerstone of our foundation and we're launching awareness campaigns about chronic health issues, mental health and the importance of joint community support. We'll be distributing informational materials about availability, all the resources and support services, ensuring everybody knows that they're never going to be alone. And finally, we believe in the power of feedback and continuous improvement. So regular surveys with all our beneficiaries and volunteers help us access our impact and fine tune our programs to better serve our community.

Tracy, Speaker 1:

So, my lovely listeners, watch this space that Inspire to Rise and Shine Foundation is coming very soon and we are so excited to embark on this journey with you. Together, we can create a world where everybody has the opportunity to experience some joy, support and a renewed sense of purpose. Thank you for tuning in to our very first episode of this Inspire to Rise and Shine Foundation podcast. Stay inspired, stay joyful and remember Inspire to Rise and Shine is just around the corner. Be sure to subscribe to our podcast for some more updates, heartwarming stories and ways you can get involved. Until next time, keep spreading the kindness and the joy. Now, this is Tracy signing off. For now, take care, and I will see you all very, very soon. Bye, bye for now.

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